Partnerët Tanë

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection has as its mission the design and implementation of development policies and strategies in the health care sector, it is responsible for the regulation of health care services and the coordination of work between all actors, inside and outside the care system health, which contribute and aim to guarantee the constitutional right, defined in Article 55 of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania. It also has the mission of guaranteeing constitutional rights for protection and social inclusion and social care and equal opportunities.

National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices
The National Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices is an institution under the Ministry of Health, specialized in the analysis, registration, control of drugs and inspection of activities in the pharmaceutical field.
The mission of this agency is focused on directions such as:
– Guaranteeing the population with safe, quality and efficient drugs
– Control of production, import-export and distribution of drugs
– Control and analysis of the quality of drugs circulating in the market
– Monitoring the efficacy of used drugs
– Guaranteeing the marketing of drugs with unified prices and the fight against smuggling
– Informing and sensitizing the population, health institutions and health professionals
– Transparency, non-discrimination, equality, promotion of competition in all procedures followed by the institution

Health Care Insurance Fund
The Health Care Insurance Institute (ISKSH), today the Compulsory Health Care Insurance Fund (FSDKSH), was established as a state, independent, non-budgetary and non-profit institution and operated according to the organization and direction provisions expressed in law no. . 7870, dated 13.10.1994, of the statute of the Health Care Insurance Institute, the general regulation for the organization and operation of HIS, the regulation “On the organization, operation and duties for each job position in the General Directorate of HIS” and the financial regulation .
HIS was spread throughout the territory with 36 branches of Health Insurance (DRSKSH) in all districts of Albania, in which doctors, pharmacists and economists worked. ISKSH had a total of 133 employees, 28 of them in the General Directorate and the rest in the district branches.

Public Health Institution
The mission of ISHP, as the National Center in the field of public health, consists in the development and application of the prevention and control of diseases, injuries, disabilities, and environmental health-damaging factors, and the development and application of health promotion, in close cooperation with national and international agencies/organizations/organizations.
In more detail, the mission of the PIH is:
Monitoring the health status of the population in order to identify in time and scientifically solve the encountered health problems. Identification and monitoring of health risk determinants. Undertaking and increasing the level of population information, education and awareness on health problems.

Health Care Services Operator
The Health Care Service Operator (OSHKSH), was established as a state institution, and operates according to the organization and direction provisions expressed in the decree no. 419 dated 04.07.2019, “On the establishment, the way of organization and operation of the service operator of health care” to the general regulation for the organization and operation of the OSHSH, “For the approval of the internal regulation for the method of organization, the approval of the internal regulation for the method of organization and operation of the operator of health care services”
OSHKSH was spread throughout the territory with 4 Regional Directorates of the Health Care Service and 36 branches of Health Care Units in all districts of Albania.